In 2011, SAB shocked the world with a new, unique and revolutionary design called the Goblin.
8 years later, when most people thought that having something even more original could not be possible, SAB impressed us all again with the introduction of the Kraken 700
Now SAB impresses us again by creating a smaller, more compact version of the original Kraken.
Introducing the all new Kraken 580... an incredible machine with super strong power train enclosed in an aluminum case and the Body and boom design with integrated frames, to create a amazing fuselage styleand a unique machine again.
This new Kraken pioneers innovation in mid size helis, raising the bar on flight performance and technological advancement that will overwhelm you with excitement and exhilaration.
You will never be more proud to own a beautiful, unique and powerful machine that motivates you to fly and become a better pilot while giving you the pride of owning something special like no other

The Kraken scheme creates the perception of having a complete fuselage. This greatly improves visibility in flight. This feature together with a new painting technology creates in the Kraken 580 an amazing & unique fuselage styleand !

Battery tray
The tray of the battery has dimensions to support any configuration from 6S 4500 to 12S 4000
ESC support
ESC support is a collapsible element, designed to reduce the damage to the ESC in the event of an accident.

Gear Box
2 hardened and ground helical gears in alloy steel ensure great power transmission. Big bearings, elastic axial preload on the main shaft, closure inside the aluminum case, ensure great reliability of this unit.
FBL Support
The support plate can be rigidly assembled to the frame to have the most direct feeling of the model or if necessary (rescue function) it is possible to use the rubber shock absorbers to reduce any type of vibration.